I have a table called License Information which has been downloaded by License Type and License Number to Date. It has an Issue Date, Renewal Date, and Expiration Date. I also have another table called Transfers which has a License Type and Transfer Date. I also have another License Table with information by License Type and License Number to 04/04/05. The problem I need to do some labels for the license information from 04/04/05 to Today(). I need the transfers made and taken out for this timeframe too. So the query should have up-to-date information
from 04/04/05 to today().
What type of query will do this? I know you must have some type of criteria by date and you need to know which license information you already have for the period October 1, 2005 to April 04, 2005. So one must find duplicates and unmatched data.
from 04/04/05 to today().
What type of query will do this? I know you must have some type of criteria by date and you need to know which license information you already have for the period October 1, 2005 to April 04, 2005. So one must find duplicates and unmatched data.