This question is about Acrobat Pro 7.0.8 on a Windows XP sp2 machine (AMD dual core 64-bit Manchester 3000+ proc, 2 GB RAM, 76 GB 10,000 rpm SATA drive).
We scan documents to PDF using HP Scanning Software, and then review the documents. If any need to be rescanned, just the problem pages are rescanned and then replaced in the main PDF using Acrobat's Replace feature. We then delete the second scan, which was a scan of just the pages that didn't turn out quite right the first time.
Starting today, we have been unable to delete the second file unless we open it up in Acrobat and then close it first. If we try to delete the document before opening it in Acrobat and closing it, we receive the standard Windows message that the file cannot be deleted because it is use. The issue also occurs if we just scan a file to PDF and then try to delete it. However, if we try to delete multiple PDFs at the same time, including one that was just scanned, but not opened, they all delete fine.
Checking running processes for acrobat processes, only acrotray.exe and acrobatinfo.exe are resident. Ending either of those processes prior to trying to delete the file without first opening it makes no difference. Rebooting the machine makes no difference either.
No windows updates or virus def updates were applied last night. The event log is not trapping anything relevent to this issue. Symantec Anti-Virus is not scanning the destination folder. There were no permissions changes made between when it last worked and now.
Has anyone seen this before?
We scan documents to PDF using HP Scanning Software, and then review the documents. If any need to be rescanned, just the problem pages are rescanned and then replaced in the main PDF using Acrobat's Replace feature. We then delete the second scan, which was a scan of just the pages that didn't turn out quite right the first time.
Starting today, we have been unable to delete the second file unless we open it up in Acrobat and then close it first. If we try to delete the document before opening it in Acrobat and closing it, we receive the standard Windows message that the file cannot be deleted because it is use. The issue also occurs if we just scan a file to PDF and then try to delete it. However, if we try to delete multiple PDFs at the same time, including one that was just scanned, but not opened, they all delete fine.
Checking running processes for acrobat processes, only acrotray.exe and acrobatinfo.exe are resident. Ending either of those processes prior to trying to delete the file without first opening it makes no difference. Rebooting the machine makes no difference either.
No windows updates or virus def updates were applied last night. The event log is not trapping anything relevent to this issue. Symantec Anti-Virus is not scanning the destination folder. There were no permissions changes made between when it last worked and now.
Has anyone seen this before?