I've seen several web sites that have catalogs online that are just a collection of PDF's that they have setup so that you can search through them.
I'm looking to do this with our company catalog. But at the moment, all I've been able to find is Using Index Server setup with Adobe's iFilter.
Which makes the choices either a) set it up in house and possibly need a dedicated internet circuit for that, or b) hosting company, which the 2-3 I've spoken with won't load iFilter unless your on a dedicated server.
Anyone have any suggestions?
I'm looking to do this with our company catalog. But at the moment, all I've been able to find is Using Index Server setup with Adobe's iFilter.
Which makes the choices either a) set it up in house and possibly need a dedicated internet circuit for that, or b) hosting company, which the 2-3 I've spoken with won't load iFilter unless your on a dedicated server.
Anyone have any suggestions?