we use system numbers (exts.) noone has a DID. All our calls are routed through the operator who then transfers the caller. The reason they do this is because they want the caller to hear the firm's name when they call. My CEO happened upon a MIRAN card and asked if i could use the card in conjunction with our 200 unused DIDs so that callers to these DIDs would in fact hear the firm's name. I explained that the way this would have to work is I would take (example) DID 4400 and build it as a dummy ACD DN and NCFW it to the current system # 5432. I would record the firm's name as the FRRT. Would this allow callers to hear "you have reached X firm" and then the caller would automatically be transferred to ext.5432? Please advise and also please advise if there's any other way to do this. thank you.