I need to transfer data off of a server to a desktop. The server is a novell server so rather than poping a disk in it and getting a the files on a novell file system, i need to transfer it across the network. I will probably just plug in a crossover cable between the machines at 100Mbps.
I have attempted to calculate the time but i come up with around 14 minutes for 10GB (which seems a little unrealistic). How much overhead should I be allowing for checksum etc and disk access and writing (server disk SCSI, desktop IDE).
Cheers B
I need to transfer data off of a server to a desktop. The server is a novell server so rather than poping a disk in it and getting a the files on a novell file system, i need to transfer it across the network. I will probably just plug in a crossover cable between the machines at 100Mbps.
I have attempted to calculate the time but i come up with around 14 minutes for 10GB (which seems a little unrealistic). How much overhead should I be allowing for checksum etc and disk access and writing (server disk SCSI, desktop IDE).
Cheers B