Is it possible to update credit card info by using Accpac Macro?
I have managed to update other contents in VB.
But when I tried to use the same way to update ccnumber, it failed.
Code here:
Dim ARCUSTOMER1header As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView
Dim ARCUSTOMER1headerFields As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacViewFields
mDBLinkCmpRW.OpenView "AR0024", ARCUSTOMER1header
Set ARCUSTOMER1headerFields = ARCUSTOMER1header.Fields
'retrieve the account with the given account number
ARCUSTOMER1headerFields("IDCUST").Value = accNum
ARCUSTOMER1headerFields("CCNUMBER").Value = "5555555555554444"
I understand the field is encrypted, is there a function which can be used to encrypt and set the ccnumber?