I am trying to create user accounts but have not been able to. I keep getting an error stating:
"Windows cannont create the object John Doe because:
Unable to update the password. The value provided for the new password does not meet the lenght, complexity, or history requirement of the domain".
I have made the changes in the Default Domain Policy under
Computer configuration - Windows Settings - Secutity Settings - Account Policies - Password Policy.
I made the following setting :
Enforce password history = 2 passwords remembered
Maximum password age = 30 days
Minimum password age = 1 days
Minimum passoword length = 6 characters
Password must meet complexity requirements = Disabled
Store password using reversible encryption = Disabled
Did I miss anything ?
"Windows cannont create the object John Doe because:
Unable to update the password. The value provided for the new password does not meet the lenght, complexity, or history requirement of the domain".
I have made the changes in the Default Domain Policy under
Computer configuration - Windows Settings - Secutity Settings - Account Policies - Password Policy.
I made the following setting :
Enforce password history = 2 passwords remembered
Maximum password age = 30 days
Minimum password age = 1 days
Minimum passoword length = 6 characters
Password must meet complexity requirements = Disabled
Store password using reversible encryption = Disabled
Did I miss anything ?