I have a COM component that passes some udts around.
The function header is thus:
void App:
assUdt(struct udtSR *pudtSR)
pudtSR has a member struct called udtValue1 of type udtLONG that has the definition:
struct udtLONG
long lngValue;
enum enumVarStatus enmStatus;
what i want to do is set a LONG to the value stored in the lngValue part of udtLONG.
however if I add
long lVal = pudtSR.udtValue1.lngValue;
I get the following error:
error C2228: left of '.udtValue1' must have class/struct/union type
Can anyone point me in the right direction ?
Many thanks
I have a COM component that passes some udts around.
The function header is thus:
void App:
pudtSR has a member struct called udtValue1 of type udtLONG that has the definition:
struct udtLONG
long lngValue;
enum enumVarStatus enmStatus;
what i want to do is set a LONG to the value stored in the lngValue part of udtLONG.
however if I add
long lVal = pudtSR.udtValue1.lngValue;
I get the following error:
error C2228: left of '.udtValue1' must have class/struct/union type
Can anyone point me in the right direction ?
Many thanks