I am a bit confused by a process I am trying to implement.
I have a directory that receives uploaded FoxPro tables/files on a daily basis.
I am trying to create a connection, and run a query to append the most recent file/table to a Master table in my Access db. Because they(the FoxPro tables) are named in numeric increments, I need to access them by the create date.
I had gotten some great tips when I posted before, but am still maybe not seeing clearly how to:
1.Create the connection to the directory/database. (This is no problem)
2.Rename the file to a standard name to append using my query. (This is where I get confused. The files need to stay in an 'original state'in that directory, but can maybe reside elsewhere in a 'renamed' state. Also, I am not sure of the syntax to rename a file.)
3.Append my records.
4.Clean up link info, and be ready for the next file.
Any suggestions would be great,