I've an application written in MS Access code. One of the table ("Member") moved from Access to Oracle database. I've created Database link to access this table. The exisiting function DLookup is giving me runtime error when I try to access this table data. Attached below sample code:
getCnt = DLookup("count (*)", "Member", "c_txt='tIss' and [P_NO]='" & G_PNO & "' and C_dt='" & G_Dt & "' and P_txt='" & G_Prod & "'")
Can you please let me know how to resolve this issue?
I've an application written in MS Access code. One of the table ("Member") moved from Access to Oracle database. I've created Database link to access this table. The exisiting function DLookup is giving me runtime error when I try to access this table data. Attached below sample code:
getCnt = DLookup("count (*)", "Member", "c_txt='tIss' and [P_NO]='" & G_PNO & "' and C_dt='" & G_Dt & "' and P_txt='" & G_Prod & "'")
Can you please let me know how to resolve this issue?