I am developing an application to organize my music collection of .mp3 files, play them, read and write their ID3v2 tags, create Playlists and so on.
Now I am facing the known problem of keeping a USB flash drive (FAT32) with folders and tracks in the preferred order (most likely: artist folders in alphabetical order, song files in order of year-album-track number), so that I can easily look up an artist and play his entire album without driving my car into the ditch. I did find some simple utilities (along with source code in C or Phyton) that do that, but they only sort alphabetically by song title (they do not bother with tags). I was successful in moving all tracks to my hard-disk and then back (in a certain order) but, apart for the lengthy operation, I still cannot get folders sorted properly even after renaming them, or creating/deleting them (in order). I believe the definite solution lies in sorting the FAT.
Before venturing into low-level C code that I have almost forgotten, and try to translate it into VFP structures and lots of FREADs, I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to read (...and write back!) a File Allocation Table before. Please forgive me if it sounds too much of a challenge (I am only giving it a try...).
I am developing an application to organize my music collection of .mp3 files, play them, read and write their ID3v2 tags, create Playlists and so on.
Now I am facing the known problem of keeping a USB flash drive (FAT32) with folders and tracks in the preferred order (most likely: artist folders in alphabetical order, song files in order of year-album-track number), so that I can easily look up an artist and play his entire album without driving my car into the ditch. I did find some simple utilities (along with source code in C or Phyton) that do that, but they only sort alphabetically by song title (they do not bother with tags). I was successful in moving all tracks to my hard-disk and then back (in a certain order) but, apart for the lengthy operation, I still cannot get folders sorted properly even after renaming them, or creating/deleting them (in order). I believe the definite solution lies in sorting the FAT.
Before venturing into low-level C code that I have almost forgotten, and try to translate it into VFP structures and lots of FREADs, I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to read (...and write back!) a File Allocation Table before. Please forgive me if it sounds too much of a challenge (I am only giving it a try...).