In an application (not witten by me!) to reformat data taken from one system to a format suitable to import into another system I have the line of code:
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "", "qGLAllSQLLoaderEdgar", strPath & "egl.csv", False, ""
The SQL behind the Query "qGLAllSQLLoaderEdgar" is a s follows
SELECT glall.gtr_run_group, glall.gtr_seq_number, glall.gtr_company, glall.gtr_old_company, glall.gtr_old_acct_nbr, IIf(IsNull([gtr_source_code])," ",[gtr_source_code]) AS GtrSourceCode, Format(CDate(Format([gtr_date],"00\/00\/0000"),"dd-mmm-yy" AS GTRDate, Nz([gtr_reference]," " AS gtrReference, Nz([gtr_description]," " AS gtrDescription, Nz([gtr_currency_code]," " AS gtrCurrencyCode, Nz([gtr_units_amount],0) AS gtrUnitAmount, Nz([gtr_tran_amount],0) AS gtrTranAmount, Nz([gtr_base_amount],0) AS gtrBaseAmount, Nz([gtr_baserate],0) AS gtrBaserate, Nz([gtr_system]," " AS gtrSystem, Nz([gtr_program_code]," " AS gtrProgramCode, Nz([gtr_auto_rev]," " AS gtrAutoRev, Format(CDate(Format([gtr_posting_date],"00\/00\/0000"),"dd-mmm-yy" AS GTRPostingDate, Nz([gtr_activity]," " AS gtrActivity, Nz([gtr_acct_category]," " AS gtrAcctCategory, Nz([gtr_document_nbr]," " AS gtrDocumentNbr, Nz([gtr_to_base_amt],0) AS gtrToBaseAmt, IIf(IsNull([gtr_effect_date]),"01-Jan-1700",Format(CDate(Left([gtr_effect_date],2) & "/" & Mid([gtr_effect_date],3,2) & "/" & Mid([gtr_effect_date],5)))) AS gtrEffectDate, Nz([gtr_jrnl_book_nbr]," " AS gtrJrnlBookNbr, Nz([gtr_mx_value1],0) AS gtrMXValue1, Nz([gtr_mx_value2],0) AS gtrMXValue2, Nz([gtr_mx_value3],0) AS gtrMXValue3, Nz([gtr_jbk_seq_nbr],0) AS gtrJbkSeqNbr, Nz([gtr_negative_adj],0) AS gtrNegativeAdj, Nz([spare_field]," " AS SegmentBlocl, Nz([spare_field1],"0" AS rptAmount1, Nz([spare_field2],"0" AS rptRate1, Nz([spare_field3],"0" AS rptND1, Nz([spare_field4],"0" AS rptAmount2, Nz([spare_field5],"0" AS rptRate2, Nz([spare_field6],"0" AS rptND2, Nz([spare_field7]," " AS SpareField7
FROM glall;
The table GLAll has 27755 rows.
I get the message:
<Application name> was unable to append all the data to the table. The contents of fields in 3964 record(s) were deleted, and 0 record(s) were lost due to key violations.
* if data was deleted, the data you pasted or imported doesn't match the field data type or the fieldsize property in the destination table.
* if rrecords were lost, either the records you posted contain primary key values that already exist in the destination table, or they violate referential integrity rules for a relationship between tables.
Do you want to proceed anyway?
Yes No Cancel
The above is not a trappable Access Error.
If I simply select Yes to prceed, it does the task and all 26755 rows are written to the output file.
Has anyone come accross this error message, and/or can they offer an explanation / solution
Ken Reay Regards
Ken Reay
Freelance Solutions Developer
Boldon Information Systems Ltd
Website needs upgrading, but for now - UK
In an application (not witten by me!) to reformat data taken from one system to a format suitable to import into another system I have the line of code:
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "", "qGLAllSQLLoaderEdgar", strPath & "egl.csv", False, ""
The SQL behind the Query "qGLAllSQLLoaderEdgar" is a s follows
SELECT glall.gtr_run_group, glall.gtr_seq_number, glall.gtr_company, glall.gtr_old_company, glall.gtr_old_acct_nbr, IIf(IsNull([gtr_source_code])," ",[gtr_source_code]) AS GtrSourceCode, Format(CDate(Format([gtr_date],"00\/00\/0000"),"dd-mmm-yy" AS GTRDate, Nz([gtr_reference]," " AS gtrReference, Nz([gtr_description]," " AS gtrDescription, Nz([gtr_currency_code]," " AS gtrCurrencyCode, Nz([gtr_units_amount],0) AS gtrUnitAmount, Nz([gtr_tran_amount],0) AS gtrTranAmount, Nz([gtr_base_amount],0) AS gtrBaseAmount, Nz([gtr_baserate],0) AS gtrBaserate, Nz([gtr_system]," " AS gtrSystem, Nz([gtr_program_code]," " AS gtrProgramCode, Nz([gtr_auto_rev]," " AS gtrAutoRev, Format(CDate(Format([gtr_posting_date],"00\/00\/0000"),"dd-mmm-yy" AS GTRPostingDate, Nz([gtr_activity]," " AS gtrActivity, Nz([gtr_acct_category]," " AS gtrAcctCategory, Nz([gtr_document_nbr]," " AS gtrDocumentNbr, Nz([gtr_to_base_amt],0) AS gtrToBaseAmt, IIf(IsNull([gtr_effect_date]),"01-Jan-1700",Format(CDate(Left([gtr_effect_date],2) & "/" & Mid([gtr_effect_date],3,2) & "/" & Mid([gtr_effect_date],5)))) AS gtrEffectDate, Nz([gtr_jrnl_book_nbr]," " AS gtrJrnlBookNbr, Nz([gtr_mx_value1],0) AS gtrMXValue1, Nz([gtr_mx_value2],0) AS gtrMXValue2, Nz([gtr_mx_value3],0) AS gtrMXValue3, Nz([gtr_jbk_seq_nbr],0) AS gtrJbkSeqNbr, Nz([gtr_negative_adj],0) AS gtrNegativeAdj, Nz([spare_field]," " AS SegmentBlocl, Nz([spare_field1],"0" AS rptAmount1, Nz([spare_field2],"0" AS rptRate1, Nz([spare_field3],"0" AS rptND1, Nz([spare_field4],"0" AS rptAmount2, Nz([spare_field5],"0" AS rptRate2, Nz([spare_field6],"0" AS rptND2, Nz([spare_field7]," " AS SpareField7
FROM glall;
The table GLAll has 27755 rows.
I get the message:
<Application name> was unable to append all the data to the table. The contents of fields in 3964 record(s) were deleted, and 0 record(s) were lost due to key violations.
* if data was deleted, the data you pasted or imported doesn't match the field data type or the fieldsize property in the destination table.
* if rrecords were lost, either the records you posted contain primary key values that already exist in the destination table, or they violate referential integrity rules for a relationship between tables.
Do you want to proceed anyway?
Yes No Cancel
The above is not a trappable Access Error.
If I simply select Yes to prceed, it does the task and all 26755 rows are written to the output file.
Has anyone come accross this error message, and/or can they offer an explanation / solution
Ken Reay Regards
Ken Reay
Freelance Solutions Developer
Boldon Information Systems Ltd
Website needs upgrading, but for now - UK