unknown host <IP-Adress>... implies that the system cannot resolve the i.p. address back to a host name. If it was resolvable, then it would show a host name instead of an i.p address.
You need to ping and nslookup from the server to the client.
In each case, test the short, FQDN and ip address. When you test the ip address, it should resolve back to the hostname.
Also test ping and nslookup from the client to the server.
Assuming that the o/s looks at the host file first, try putting an entry in the host file for both the backup server and client, on both the backup server and client's host file. Format is:
i.p. address short name FQDN
Note that there are some o/s security features that create a "shadow" host file, so make sure you're updating the correct one.
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