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access vba smtp and undesired multiple attachments 2

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Technical User
Apr 14, 2012
Hello folks!!

I have a very odd issue.

I am using the code to successfully send smtp out of Access 2007.

I establish a connection with the local Access table to pull in the attributes of the message.

One of the attributes is a path and file name to an attachement.

Everything sends fine; no problem with the send.

The problem is that each line of data has a unique attachemnt; a unique file name.

Message loop one gets file A.
Message loop two gets file A and file B.
Message loop three gets file A, file B and file C.

All other attributes are pulled in unique to the associated row or records. The only issue I am experiencing is associated to the attachements.

here is my code:

Public Function SendDashboardMail()

sMailServer = "some mail server"
sMailFromAddress = "some mail address"

Set ObjMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set Recordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblDASHBOARD_DISTRIBUTION")
Set sToAddress = Recordset.Fields("sMailToAddress")
Set sCCAddress = Recordset.Fields("sMailCC")
Set sSubject = Recordset.Fields("sMailSubject")
Set sBody = Recordset.Fields("sMailBody")
Set sMailAttachment = Recordset.Fields("sProjLabel")

Do Until Recordset.EOF

ObjMessage.Subject = sSubject
ObjMessage.From = sMailFromAddress
ObjMessage.To = sToAddress
ObjMessage.CC = sCCAddress
ObjMessage.TextBody = sBody
ObjMessage.AddAttachment sMailAttachment
ObjMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing")[/URL] = 2
ObjMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver")[/URL] = sMailServer
ObjMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item("[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport")[/URL] = 25


End Function
The problem is you're not creating a new message each time, so your email is just getting appended to.
I suggest you split your code into two seperate pieces:

'If these aren't changing, make them constants
Const sMailServer = "some mail server"
Const sMailFromAddress = "some mail address"

Public Function SendDashboardMail()
    Dim Recordset As DAO.Recordset
    Set Recordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblDASHBOARD_DISTRIBUTION")
    'Loop through the recordset, sending the emails
    Do Until Recordset.EOF
        SendMail Recordset.Fields("sMailToAddress"), _
                 Recordset.Fields("sMailCC"), _
                 Recordset.Fields("sMailSubject"), _
                 Recordset.Fields("sMailBody"), _
End Function

which loops through the recordset calling
Public Sub SendMail(sToAddress, sCCAddress, sSubject, sBody, sMailAttachment)
    Dim objMessage As Object
    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    With objMessage
        .Subject = sSubject
        .From = sMailFromAddress
        .To = sToAddress
        .CC = sCCAddress
        .TextBody = sBody
        .AddAttachment sMailAttachment
        .Configuration.Fields.Item("[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing")[/URL] = 2
        .Configuration.Fields.Item("[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver")[/URL] = sMailServer
        .Configuration.Fields.Item("[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport")[/URL] = 25
    End With
End Sub

for each mail to send.



Ben O'Hara
David W. Fenton said:
We could be confused in exactly the same way, but confusion might be like Nulls, and not comparable.
Ok, so what is your PayPal address?

Magnificent ... Thank you SO VERY MUCH!!

Best regards,
You're very welcome.


Ben O'Hara
David W. Fenton said:
We could be confused in exactly the same way, but confusion might be like Nulls, and not comparable.
Ok, thank you sir ... and, of course, a follow up.

Now that you've shown me the way to get all of the items for a single message directly from the database, I need to get somewhat crafty with one of the elements, which happens to be a dynamically produced file.

The file syntax is fixed, it includes an attribute "sProjLabel" and a date format.

C:\Data\_DashboardReporting\_ReportOutput\" + sLabel + "_Dashboards_" + Format(Date, "YYYY-MM-DD") + ".xls"

So, the sMailAttachment is actually not a hard-coded path/file from the database (I set it to this for testing / ease of explanation).

Thus, the progression is to get "sProjLabel" from the database and insert it into the code above, along with the dynamically created date format.

I hope this makes some sense ...

TIA !!

Best regards,
Replace this:
with this:
"C:\Data\_DashboardReporting\_ReportOutput\" & Recordset!sProjLabel & "_Dashboards_" & Format(Date, "YYYY-MM-DD") & ".xls"

Hope This Helps, PH.
Giddy excited laughter ensues !!!


Best regards,
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