In our warehouse we hold stock in individual storage locations (bins), 1 product could be in more than one bin and each bin could contain multiple products. The qty of any product can vary in any bin.
What i want to do is when an order is "released" to the warehouse, is to create a pick list for the warehouse. The pick list should list all the bins that the user has to visit and tell them the product / qty to pick in that bin.
That seems like it should be relatively simple to accomplish but what i would also like it to do is offer the "quickest" and "tidiest" solution for picking. what i mean by this is say the order needs product A01 x10, product B01 x10, product C01 x10.
Product A01 is in: bin001 (x5) - bin002 (x5) - bin003 (x100)
Product B01 is in: bin002 (x1) - bin003 (x10)
Product C01 is in: bin001 (x10) - bin003 (x10)
Bin001 is a pick priority 1 (highest)
Bin002 is a pick priority 1 (highest)
Bin003 is a pick priority 2 (lowest)
so in my mind the quickest and tidiest would be to pick:
product A01 from bins bin001 x5 and bin002 x5 (i know this is not the quickest because we could pick the whole lot from bin003 but this would create an addition part pallet so i would only recommend picking from a lower priority bin when you can pick the whole of that qty from that location and leave no remainder)
product B01 from bin003 (x10) (lowest priority but this leaves none of this product in that bin)
Product C01 from bin001 (x10) (because this is the highest priority pick bin)
Hope this makes sense and someone can help me
Thank you,
It's not what you know. It's who's on Tek-Tip's
What i want to do is when an order is "released" to the warehouse, is to create a pick list for the warehouse. The pick list should list all the bins that the user has to visit and tell them the product / qty to pick in that bin.
That seems like it should be relatively simple to accomplish but what i would also like it to do is offer the "quickest" and "tidiest" solution for picking. what i mean by this is say the order needs product A01 x10, product B01 x10, product C01 x10.
Product A01 is in: bin001 (x5) - bin002 (x5) - bin003 (x100)
Product B01 is in: bin002 (x1) - bin003 (x10)
Product C01 is in: bin001 (x10) - bin003 (x10)
Bin001 is a pick priority 1 (highest)
Bin002 is a pick priority 1 (highest)
Bin003 is a pick priority 2 (lowest)
so in my mind the quickest and tidiest would be to pick:
product A01 from bins bin001 x5 and bin002 x5 (i know this is not the quickest because we could pick the whole lot from bin003 but this would create an addition part pallet so i would only recommend picking from a lower priority bin when you can pick the whole of that qty from that location and leave no remainder)
product B01 from bin003 (x10) (lowest priority but this leaves none of this product in that bin)
Product C01 from bin001 (x10) (because this is the highest priority pick bin)
Hope this makes sense and someone can help me
Thank you,
It's not what you know. It's who's on Tek-Tip's