Hello everyone
Let me preface this with, i'm on Windows 8, with IE 11. Already fixed the ScrollToView...
So here's my situation, i have 10k+ mp3's and i have a freeware program that doesn't support batch processing
So naturally i wrote a script that reads a file name, and enters it into the program, presses a few keys, then gets the next name to the EoF. Pretty straight forward stuff. Inside the vbscript, i have a class for an IE "LogBox" to show me where it is in the overall progress; each file takes about 18 seconds to process.
The display updates with
Count: 1 Time: 23 s File: x:\music\artist\album\track 01 (01).mp3
It runs without intervention ~ the PC is not in use while the script is running. Only thing is, here or there, i actually need to use my PC, so what i'm looking to do is, detect if a key is pressed ~ i know, i know.
My goal is to get the script to Pause when i need it too ~ i don't really care how. The only exception is the cscript option ~ no console.
I'm thinking, there should be a way through InternetExplorer.Application to get access to External.Window.Event.KeyCode ( only thing i found online when searching ). In my logbox class i have oIE.Navigate "about:blank" and everything set to 0. My error message is: Object doesn't support this property or method.
So in the main script i would have something like
Anyone know of a way through vbscript to detect a key press, maybe a click? How-do/would-i write something for the oIE to always write a button after each log entry? I don't know, but i could use some help. Currently, when i stop, i manually go into the file and delete the lines it has already processed...
So thank you for taking some time to look this over, and thank you for your help.
Ps: if need be, i'll upload my script
Let me preface this with, i'm on Windows 8, with IE 11. Already fixed the ScrollToView...
So here's my situation, i have 10k+ mp3's and i have a freeware program that doesn't support batch processing
The display updates with
Count: 1 Time: 23 s File: x:\music\artist\album\track 01 (01).mp3
It runs without intervention ~ the PC is not in use while the script is running. Only thing is, here or there, i actually need to use my PC, so what i'm looking to do is, detect if a key is pressed ~ i know, i know.
My goal is to get the script to Pause when i need it too ~ i don't really care how. The only exception is the cscript option ~ no console.
I'm thinking, there should be a way through InternetExplorer.Application to get access to External.Window.Event.KeyCode ( only thing i found online when searching ). In my logbox class i have oIE.Navigate "about:blank" and everything set to 0. My error message is: Object doesn't support this property or method.
So in the main script i would have something like
Set lB = New LogBox
StopForDay = False
Do While not ( Eof OR StopForDay )
If Check lB.keyPress state Then
If key = pause option
msgbox click ok to continue
StopForDay = True
End If
'copy, paste, run, update log, other stuff
Class LogBox ' the standard subs and properties are included ~ terminate, init, etc
Private oIE, hght, wdth
Private Sub Class_int
Set oIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
' inits variables
End Sub
Public Property Get keyPress
keyPress = 'this is what i can't figure out :s
End Property
Private Sub moveToBottom()
oIE.Document.body.scrollTop = oIE.Document.Body.scrollTop + oIE.Document.Body.scrollHeight
End Sub
Public Sub WriteLine ( ByVal str )
Write str & "<br />"
End Sub
End Class
Anyone know of a way through vbscript to detect a key press, maybe a click? How-do/would-i write something for the oIE to always write a button after each log entry? I don't know, but i could use some help. Currently, when i stop, i manually go into the file and delete the lines it has already processed...
So thank you for taking some time to look this over, and thank you for your help.
Ps: if need be, i'll upload my script