I'm trying to yank some data from Access and place it into screens in Extra. I basically have a long list of Numbers with a couple of other fields. So I need to have it cycle through the information. Can anyone help me get started?
Thanks for the help but I have another problem. It's not really a big deal but more aesthetic for my users. Currently I use the following code:
Set Sessions = System.Sessions.Open()
which forces the user to select what session they want Extra to open up in. Here it is session1.edp. I was wondering what the proper code would be to automate this.
Also, is there a way to run Extra interactively or do you just have to run Extra invisible from access?
Here's the code I use to set a the current session as the active session. In our environment, Extra is always open and visible. The user just sees the screen flashing. You have the option of locking the keyboard, but I don't usually do this.
'Extra Objects
Set System = CreateObject("EXTRA.System") ' Gets the system object
If (System Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "Could not create the EXTRA System object. Stopping macro playback.": Stop
Set Sessions = System.Sessions
If (Sessions Is Nothing) Then: MsgBox "Could not create the Sessions collection object. Stopping macro playback.": Stop
Set Sess0 = System.ActiveSession
If (Sess0 Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "Could not create the Session object. Stopping macro playback.": Stop
With the system visible, you have the ability to have user interaction as much as necessary.
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