Hello board...Newbie here...I am accessing an existing database using .asp ..
First of all, I am actually a website designer. Trying to help out a buddy..?
My question is I have a form that is used for registration purposes....I want to put a limit on the # of users that register and prompt the user when the limit is exceeded...
ex. #10 registrant is allowed to register then...#11 registers and gets "sorry this class is full"
I might be in the wrong place...any help or direction would be appreciated.
First of all, I am actually a website designer. Trying to help out a buddy..?
My question is I have a form that is used for registration purposes....I want to put a limit on the # of users that register and prompt the user when the limit is exceeded...
ex. #10 registrant is allowed to register then...#11 registers and gets "sorry this class is full"
I might be in the wrong place...any help or direction would be appreciated.