I am trying to access the symbols dialog box so that my users can add greek letters and mathematical operators into a textbox. I have been having a little success using the commong dialog cntrol to change the fonts and colors of the text box with
So I thought I would try using the common dialog control with dlgCommon.ShowSymbols (I don't even know what flag to use...). I've tried Application.Dialogs(xlSymbols).show, but that doesnt really work either. I dont think the latter would help anyway because that seems to only change cells and not forms. Any hints?
Another Day, Another Disaster
dlgCommon.Flags = cdlCFScreenFonts
dlgCommon.FontName = txtRemarks.FontName
dlgCommon.FontBold = txtRemarks.FontBold
dlgCommon.FontItalic = txtRemarks.FontItalic
dlgCommon.FontSize = txtRemarks.FontSize
txtRemarks.FontSize = dlgCommon.FontSize
txtRemarks.FontBold = dlgCommon.FontBold
txtRemarks.FontItalic = dlgCommon.FontItalic
txtRemarks.FontName = dlgCommon.FontName
So I thought I would try using the common dialog control with dlgCommon.ShowSymbols (I don't even know what flag to use...). I've tried Application.Dialogs(xlSymbols).show, but that doesnt really work either. I dont think the latter would help anyway because that seems to only change cells and not forms. Any hints?
Another Day, Another Disaster