I am using a form in Access 2000 to update a table on an SQL Server. When I use the code:
set rst = mydb.openrecordset("mytable"
I get the following error:
Run-time error '3622'
You must use the dbseechanges option with
OpenRecordset when accessing SQL Server table
that has an IDENTITY column
The Identity column in the SQL Table is a field that assigns a consecutive number to each record, like autonumber in Access. I can't find any reference to the "dbseechanges" option in the help menu.
set rst = mydb.openrecordset("mytable"
I get the following error:
Run-time error '3622'
You must use the dbseechanges option with
OpenRecordset when accessing SQL Server table
that has an IDENTITY column
The Identity column in the SQL Table is a field that assigns a consecutive number to each record, like autonumber in Access. I can't find any reference to the "dbseechanges" option in the help menu.