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Access :Rounding to the next 0,25

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Technical User
May 17, 2002
Dear Helper,

I am writing to you all ,because I have a major problem.

I am a Admin pay clerk who calculates Local Civilians pay. Even thou we do have a good pay system, we do have calculate some groups manually, believe me it can be a pain, so I have come up with an idea to build a database with access.

The problem I have is………..
We work on an Industrial clock I.e. weekly hours 38:30 =38, 50 /5 days= 7,7 hours a day X the monthly working days (maybe 23)=177,10
But we can only process in???.00, ???.25,???.50 and???.75

The biggest problem I find are the part timers who only work maybe 18 hours a week which brings it up to 3,6 hours a day

Can you please help me with a solution to this problem.

Looking forward to a helping answer

Mike Robbins
This function will round a number up or down to the nearest value that you specify.

Public Function RoundUpDown(varNumber As Variant, varDelta As Variant) As Variant
' Comments :
' Parameters: varNumber
' varDelta -
' Returns : Variant -
'Name: RoundUpDown Function
'Purpose: Round varNumber to varDelta, up or down
'Inputs: varNumber - number to round
' varDelta - rounding percision
' +varDelta - rounds up
' -varDelta - rounds down
'Output varNumber rounded up/down
Dim VarTemp As Variant

VarTemp = CDec(varNumber / varDelta)

If Int(VarTemp) = VarTemp Then
RoundUpDown = varNumber
RoundUpDown = Int(((varNumber + (2 * varDelta)) / varDelta) - 1) * varDelta
End If

End Function

Examples: RoundUpDown(5.12,0.25) = 5.25

RoundUpDown(5.12,-0.25) = 5.00

RoundUpDown(5.12,0.5) = 5.5

RoundUpDown(5.12,-0.5) = 5.00

The first example should work in your case.

Note: this has not been extensively, particularly for non-default # of digits to round to.

Public Function basSelRnd(AmtIn As Double, _
                          AmtRnd As Single, _
                          Optional NDigits As Integer = 2) As Double

    'Michael Red 5/19/2002 To Round [AmtIn] to the [AmtRnd]
    'to the SPECIFIED number of decimal Digits (default to 2 for "Currency")
    'Including Sign Considerations for both [AmtIn] and [AmtRnd]

    Dim ModRmdr As Single
    Dim MyIn As Long
    Dim MyRmdr As Long
    Dim SgnIn As Integer
    Dim SgnRmdr As Integer
    Dim tmpRtn As Double

    SgnIn = Sgn(AmtIn)
    SgnRmdr = Sgn(AmtRnd)
    MyIn = Abs(AmtIn * 10 ^ NDigits)
    MyRmdr = Abs(AmtRnd * 10 ^ NDigits)

    ModRmdr = MyIn Mod MyRmdr

    Select Case ModRmdr
        Case Is = 0
            tmpRtn = AmtIn
            basSelRnd = tmpRtn
        Case Is > 0
            Select Case (SgnIn = SgnRmdr)
                Case True
                    tmpRtn = (MyIn - ModRmdr + MyRmdr) / 10 ^ NDigits
                    basSelRnd = SgnIn * tmpRtn
                Case Is = False
                    tmpRtn = SgnIn * (MyIn - ModRmdr) / 10 ^ NDigits
                    basSelRnd = tmpRtn
            End Select
    End Select

End Function

There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
Thank you for your help......however I do have 1 more little prob. The Module you have gave me works fine in the debug window.........you see all my data input is like this"38,5" with a comma,your module only works with a dot 38.5, so how do I change that??

For my contribution, you would need to understand (and PROPERLY SET) the international settings, which I do NOT -having never worked with them.


There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
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Part and Inventory Search

