Technical User
OK I give. I have spent the majority of a beautiful Saturday trying to get a report to work properly. I have set a group of radio buttons in a form to fill the data table column listed as "Quality". Used the default settings for the radio buttons so that they enter a numeric value into the table. This works perfectly but it aint that complicated so I am not bragging.
Now when I create a report and one of the fields I want to see is based upon the table column labled 'Quality". Still no problem now but all I get is 1,2,3,4 ETC based upon the numeric value the buttons are entering. So I went and spent all day trying to create an expression, opening the report in design view and selecting the Details section and the field area marked Quality, so that when the report looks at the data table and sees a 1 it converts that 1 to the word " Excellent" and thats what I see on the report when I print it out. I am stumped that something this simple isnt working. So if someone could offer some advice I would appreciate it because I am tired of feeling stupid today.
Heres the latest expression I came up with and all it is doing is asking me for Parameter values.
=IIf([Movie table]![Quality]=1,[Excellent],IIf([Movie table]![Quality]=2,[Good],IIf([Movie table]![Quality]=3,[Average],IIf([Movie table]![Quality]=4,[Aint worth watching]))))
Thanks in Advance
Now when I create a report and one of the fields I want to see is based upon the table column labled 'Quality". Still no problem now but all I get is 1,2,3,4 ETC based upon the numeric value the buttons are entering. So I went and spent all day trying to create an expression, opening the report in design view and selecting the Details section and the field area marked Quality, so that when the report looks at the data table and sees a 1 it converts that 1 to the word " Excellent" and thats what I see on the report when I print it out. I am stumped that something this simple isnt working. So if someone could offer some advice I would appreciate it because I am tired of feeling stupid today.
Heres the latest expression I came up with and all it is doing is asking me for Parameter values.
=IIf([Movie table]![Quality]=1,[Excellent],IIf([Movie table]![Quality]=2,[Good],IIf([Movie table]![Quality]=3,[Average],IIf([Movie table]![Quality]=4,[Aint worth watching]))))
Thanks in Advance