I have a macro I'm working on in OfficeXP {in Word, querying Access database} and it has been working fine. But, on occasion, the database 'locks up' and the Word macro spits out an error: Could not use ''; file already in use.
The database has multiple users accessing it at any given time and is set up as 'sharable'. Each time I've encountered this error, I've verified that no one else was physically in the database {in design mode}.
The problem has gotta be in my code somewhere:
Is there something I need to add or change to make sure that the connection is closed every time the macro exits? Notorious P.I.G.
The database has multiple users accessing it at any given time and is set up as 'sharable'. Each time I've encountered this error, I've verified that no one else was physically in the database {in design mode}.
The problem has gotta be in my code somewhere:
' References Needed for this Project to function:
' -> VB for Applications
' -> OLE Automation
' -> MS Access 8.0 Library
' -> MS ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library
' -> MS Forms 2.0 Object Library
' -> MS Word (8.0 or 10.0) Object Library
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
' Access tblClients Table in Client Database and get the Full Client Name
rst.Open _
"SELECT * FROM tblClients WHERE [Billing Code] LIKE '" & sClientCode & "'", _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & FileLoc & ";"
sClientName = rst.Fields(0)
sClientCode = rst.Fields(2)
' Access tblClientTeams Table in Client Database and populate
' sClientTeam with the listed Practice Members
rst.Open _
"SELECT * FROM tblClientTeams WHERE Client = '" & sClientName & "'", _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & FileLoc & ";"
sClientTeam = sClientCode & "-" & TextBox2.Value & "-" & TextBox3.Value & Chr(11) & _
"RET/" & sC_Code & Chr(11)
sClientList = sClientCode & "-" & TextBox2.Value & "-" & TextBox3.Value & Chr(11) & _
"RET/" & sC_Code & Chr(11)
For Each fld In rst.Fields
If fld.Value <> "" And fld.Value <> sClientName Then
sClientList = sClientList & fld.Value & "; "
If opt3.Value = True Then
sClientTeam = sClientTeam & fld.Value & "; "
sClientTeam = sClientTeam & fld.Value & Chr(11)
End If
End If
Is there something I need to add or change to make sure that the connection is closed every time the macro exits? Notorious P.I.G.