Does anyone know of any practice tests or braindumps for certification 70-069. I already have trancesnder and would like to take some other tests before my upcoming test.
Braindumps are useless and dangerous. Most of them are highly inaccurate.
Be careful, too, using practice tests. It is very easy to unwittingly memorize the questions and the answers. This does nothing but give you a false sense of security.
Know the subject, and know it well. This is the best way to prep for any exam...
After having taken and passed (by the skin of my teeth). I have to mostly agree with Voyager1. I will say however that the transcenders were extremely useful in helping me to identify my areas of weakness.
If you're taking practice test it IS easy to remember similar answer after a while.
But here's what i did for MSCE. Take your practice tests. BUT on the ones you get wrong, DO NOT look at the right answer. RESTUDY the area that that question was covering.
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