Hello, we use a ms access form through our companies vpn to the sql server in the other location. The form connects to a table directly, not through a query. We have found that if the form stays idle (no activity on form for 40+ minutes) it allows you to enter data, click save, and create new records much like it does before staying idle. The difference is that although it appears the records are being saved they are not. This only occurs after the idle period.
I am seeking the best way to have the form "ping" the sql server as the form lies dormant. The first attempts were repaint and requery using the ontimer property. This is fine except when you are in the middle of entering a new record and the form requeries or repaints and you lose the data.
Is there a ping or keep alive type statement that could be used to keep the connection to the server awake, one that would not affect a record being currently entered when the ontimer triggers?
I am seeking the best way to have the form "ping" the sql server as the form lies dormant. The first attempts were repaint and requery using the ontimer property. This is fine except when you are in the middle of entering a new record and the form requeries or repaints and you lose the data.
Is there a ping or keep alive type statement that could be used to keep the connection to the server awake, one that would not affect a record being currently entered when the ontimer triggers?