Hello all. Haven't come across this one before. Database is Access 2K & using ODBC. Database is about 9 MB in size. OS is Windows XP and I am using CR 8.5.
I was at my client running a rather complex report I had designed. Just as the report was finally about to come onto the screen (8 mins), I rec'd the following error:
Crystal Reports: Database Error
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not enough space on temporary disk.
When I clicked on OK, I rec'd the "Error detected by database DLL" messsage and it stopped.
This was kind of bizarre as the report worked 15 minutes earlier. All I had done was add in some record selection logic so that, instead of choosing a begin date and an end date, the user could chooose the year & the month of the report.
Took a look at the machine I was using and it had only a couple hundred MB free. The machine was slow also (PIII 600 with 512 MB of DRAM) so I asked my client if he could upgrade the machine while I went back to the office with the data & reports.
Imagine my surprise when I got the same error on my CR dev machine! It's a 1.8 GHz P4 with 512 MB of DRAM, running Windows 2K. And it has 3 GB free on the system drive!!! So it's not lack of HDD space on my computer system...
Now the change that I made is not particularly complex. And it's something I have done many times before without any problems at all...
I took a look at CR Support and could find nothing about this error. Same thing on MS Support. The search term "odbc error microsoft access not enough space on temporary disk" produced 3500 hits at Google! Went through a bunch of them and found most of them appeared to be error messages produced by the Google Web Crawler.
So I refined my search, making it all of the words "odbc error microsoft access" and exactly the words "not enough space on temporary disk". That gave a couple of hundred hits, all of which were Google Web Crawler issues!
Going back to my report and seeing if there is another way to do what the client wants. Meanwhile, any ideas on this error message?
Thanks very much,
John Marrett
Crystal Reports Trainer & Consultant
I was at my client running a rather complex report I had designed. Just as the report was finally about to come onto the screen (8 mins), I rec'd the following error:
Crystal Reports: Database Error
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not enough space on temporary disk.
When I clicked on OK, I rec'd the "Error detected by database DLL" messsage and it stopped.
This was kind of bizarre as the report worked 15 minutes earlier. All I had done was add in some record selection logic so that, instead of choosing a begin date and an end date, the user could chooose the year & the month of the report.
Took a look at the machine I was using and it had only a couple hundred MB free. The machine was slow also (PIII 600 with 512 MB of DRAM) so I asked my client if he could upgrade the machine while I went back to the office with the data & reports.
Imagine my surprise when I got the same error on my CR dev machine! It's a 1.8 GHz P4 with 512 MB of DRAM, running Windows 2K. And it has 3 GB free on the system drive!!! So it's not lack of HDD space on my computer system...
Now the change that I made is not particularly complex. And it's something I have done many times before without any problems at all...
I took a look at CR Support and could find nothing about this error. Same thing on MS Support. The search term "odbc error microsoft access not enough space on temporary disk" produced 3500 hits at Google! Went through a bunch of them and found most of them appeared to be error messages produced by the Google Web Crawler.
So I refined my search, making it all of the words "odbc error microsoft access" and exactly the words "not enough space on temporary disk". That gave a couple of hundred hits, all of which were Google Web Crawler issues!
Going back to my report and seeing if there is another way to do what the client wants. Meanwhile, any ideas on this error message?
Thanks very much,
John Marrett
Crystal Reports Trainer & Consultant