I have a web app that allows users to upload ms word documents to a folder. I have a reference to MS Word. After the file is saved as a .doc file, I would like to convert it to html. My code is as follows:
The problem is, everytime it attempts to set app = new word.application, I receive an error message saying access is denied.
I'm stumped at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Private sub convertToHtml(ByVal documentPath as string, ByVal htmlPath as string)
Dim app as word.application
app = new word.application
dim doc as word.document = app.documents.open (documentPath)
dim newFilePath as string = htmlPath & Path.GetFileName(documentPath)
doc.SaveAs(newFilePath, 8)
End Sub
The problem is, everytime it attempts to set app = new word.application, I receive an error message saying access is denied.
I'm stumped at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.