Our Marketing & Research dept does customer satisfaction surveys using a CATI system. Data is exported to csv files and I import to an Access table. The problem is that our clients frequently change question numbers on their surveys or add/delete questions from survey to survey. We're currently using a flatfile db format with lots and lots of tables & queries that have to be constantly changed. Some formatting is performed on certain data but, as I mentioned, that data may be Q1 (question1) in one survey and Q3 in another survey. Of course, the import spec has to be updated too.
Imagine my pain! Is anyone currently doing something like this more efficiently? I thought maybe I could open a form that prompts the user for the question numbers but I can't quite get past the idea stage. Can somebody give my brain a jump start? Ann
Imagine my pain! Is anyone currently doing something like this more efficiently? I thought maybe I could open a form that prompts the user for the question numbers but I can't quite get past the idea stage. Can somebody give my brain a jump start? Ann