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Access Backup on Hosting Server

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Feb 21, 2002
I would like to make a backup routine to automatically generate a copy of the MS Access database daily. I am hosting with 1and1.com and using asp.

Ideally it would be in a folder where the original is located and it would do it without any user initiation at an early morning hour. Once I get that, I would like to delete any copies that are more than a week old from the same folder. If it isn't possible to schedule an automatic backup I would be happy to settle for a user initiated one.

I have been able to do this locally in the past, but not online. I am new to asp and have only a basic background.

I searched google and many locations looking for a tutorial, but all I could find was stupid search pages that delivered ads. I hate those things. If you know any tutorials or where I can find a company that offers this please let me know. When I find the answer I was thinking of putting an FAQ on the topic together. Seems like it wouldn't be that hard to find - doesn't everyone backup their stuff?

Found this:
Ashley Rudland DMX forum Feb 17, 2004

<% Option Explicit %>
'Dimension variables
Dim objJetEngine 'Holds the jet database engine object
Dim objFSO 'Holds the FSO object
Dim strCompactDB 'Holds the destination of the compacted database
Dim strDbPathAndName
Dim strCon

strDbPathAndName = Server.MapPath("database.mdb")
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & strDbPathAndName
<title>Compact and Repair Access Database</title>
<h2>Compact and Repair Access Database</h2>
<br />
'If this is a post back run the compact and repair
If Request.Form("postBack") Then %>
<table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

'Create an intence of the FSO object
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Back up the database
objFSO.CopyFile strDbPathAndName, Replace(strDbPathAndName, ".mdb", "-backup.mdb", 1, -1, 1)

Response.Write(" <li>Database backed up to:-<br/><span>" & Replace(strDbPathAndName, ".mdb", "-backup.mdb", 1, -1, 1) & "</span><br /><br /></li>")

'Create an intence of the JET engine object
Set objJetEngine = Server.CreateObject("JRO.JetEngine")

'Get the destination and name of the compacted database
strCompactDB = Replace(strDbPathAndName, ".mdb", "-tmp.mdb", 1, -1, 1)

'Compact database
objJetEngine.CompactDatabase strCon, "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & strCompactDB

'Display text that new compact db is created
Response.Write(" <li>New compacted database:-<br/><span>" & strCompactDB & "</span><br /><br /></li>")

'Release Jet object
Set objJetEngine = Nothing

'Delete old database
objFSO.DeleteFile strDbPathAndName

'Display text that that old db is deleted
Response.Write(" <li>Old uncompacted database deleted:-<br/><span>" & strDbPathAndName & "</span><br /><br /></li>")

'Rename temporary database to old name
objFSO.MoveFile strCompactDB, strDbPathAndName

'Display text that that old db is deleted
Response.Write(" <li>Rename compacted database from:-<br/><span>" & strCompactDB & "</span><br />To:-<br /><span>" & strDbPathAndName & "</span><br /><br /></li>")

'Release FSO object
Set objFSO = Nothing

Response.Write(" The Access database is now compacted and repaired")


<p class="text"> Please note: If the 'Compact and Repair' procedure fails a backup of your database will be created ending with '-backup.mdb'.<br />
<form action="this_file_name.asp" method="post" name="frmCompact" id="frmCompact">
<div align="center"><br />
<input name="postBack" type="hidden" id="postBack" value="true">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Compact and Repair Database">

End If

<br />
Now all I need to do is change a few parameters and make it so it outputs a naming convention with a date appended to the database.mdb name. It is a great start... more to come

If this site is important to you, I strongly recommend that you back up everything to another location entirely. Web hosts have been know to make mistakes, vanish, develop long down-times and so on, quite apart from malicious tampering.
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