Hi all. Thank you for visiting my thread. I need a help.
I open Access database from Excel form. How to make access.Application.DoCmd.FindRecord method to look for a record in specified field ONLY? In my case this is "lastname" field. How to specified this field in the following string that I tried and what its order of arguments:
Dim MySearch As String
MySearch = txtLName.Text
access.Application.DoCmd.FindRecord MySearch, acStart, True, acSearchAll, True, acAll, True
'this is what I have now. It's searching the record at all directions which I don't need. Where in the string above I can specified my "lastname" so it would perform the search only in "lastname" field?
Thank you
I open Access database from Excel form. How to make access.Application.DoCmd.FindRecord method to look for a record in specified field ONLY? In my case this is "lastname" field. How to specified this field in the following string that I tried and what its order of arguments:
Dim MySearch As String
MySearch = txtLName.Text
access.Application.DoCmd.FindRecord MySearch, acStart, True, acSearchAll, True, acAll, True
'this is what I have now. It's searching the record at all directions which I don't need. Where in the string above I can specified my "lastname" so it would perform the search only in "lastname" field?
Thank you