I have a VB.net webservice which returns "false" & username & password. The username and password are just the two parameters entered.
It all works well when i access it through a vb.net client but i run in to problems when using PHP.
The problem i have got is that the parameters being passed to the function validate_user aren't getting to the function.
So what ever paramenters i pass to the websservice I get "False" back rather than "False" & username" & "password".
Although i'm using NuSoap here if anyone has any code using a diffrent package then i'm happy to use that.
$param = array('Username'=>'user' , 'password'=>'pass');
$serverpath ="$namespace="$client = new soapclient($serverpath, "wsdl");
$soapaction = "$inst = $client->call("validate_user",$param ,$namespace,$soapaction);
print ($inst[validate_userResponse]);
I have a VB.net webservice which returns "false" & username & password. The username and password are just the two parameters entered.
It all works well when i access it through a vb.net client but i run in to problems when using PHP.
The problem i have got is that the parameters being passed to the function validate_user aren't getting to the function.
So what ever paramenters i pass to the websservice I get "False" back rather than "False" & username" & "password".
Although i'm using NuSoap here if anyone has any code using a diffrent package then i'm happy to use that.
$param = array('Username'=>'user' , 'password'=>'pass');
$serverpath ="$namespace="$client = new soapclient($serverpath, "wsdl");
$soapaction = "$inst = $client->call("validate_user",$param ,$namespace,$soapaction);
print ($inst[validate_userResponse]);