I have a VB.NET 2005 application that uses Access 2003 as it's database. I have setup replication, with a master database on the network and each user PC with a replicate. The users are out in the field and not always connected to the network, but they still need to be able to use the app. When they return to the office and get connected, they can click on a button to perform the sync with the master. The users have been noticing that not all of their data is making it into the Master database when they sync up. Has anyone had experience in using the synchronization process in Access? If so, is it reliable?
For reference, here is my vb.net code that performs the sync...
For reference, here is my vb.net code that performs the sync...
Dim objDBEngine As dao.DBEngine
Dim objMaster As dao.Database
Dim objReplic As dao.Database
Dim strMasterDB As String
Dim strReplicDB As String
strMasterDB = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("MasterDBFilePath")
strReplicDB = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ReplicDBFilePath")
objDBEngine = New dao.DBEngine
objMaster = objDBEngine.OpenDatabase(strMasterDB)
objMaster.Synchronize(strReplicDB, 1)
objReplic = objDBEngine.OpenDatabase(strReplicDB)
objReplic.Synchronize(strMasterDB, 1)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
objMaster = Nothing
objReplic = Nothing
objDBEngine = Nothing
End Try