I'm new to Access and am having trouble creating a report I need. Here's the scoop...
I've created a database with one table (Master). The table was populated with data from five different Excel spreadsheets - each spreadsheet was a "dictionary" containing names and descriptive data on data elements found in an agency's particular database application. Essentially I'm trying to create a "master catalog" of data elements so that we can identify the data elements common to most/all of the application databases. The "Master" table contains the following columns:
Data Element Name - (i.e. SSN)
Database Name - (that the Element originated from)
Table Name - (that the element was originally a part of)
Element Length - (1, 5, etc)
Data Type - (alpha, A/N, etc.
Cross-Reference Name - (a common name that the field might also be known as - "Social Security Number" as opposed to "SSN", "soc_sec_nbr", etc.) This is the name we will use to identify commonality of this element among the various disparate databases).
My goal is to generate a report that breaks on Cross-Reference Name, sorted by frequency of the Cross-Reference Name (from most-frequently-found to least-frequently-found), then by Originating Database Name, then Original Table Name - something like this:
Cross-Reference Name: Social Security Number
Times Found in Master Database: 87
DatabaseName TableName ElementName Type Length
HR Table-1 SSN A/N 11
Payroll SSN-TBL SOC N 9
and so on thru 87 detail lines...
Cross-Reference Name: Zip Code
Times Found in Master Database: 72
OrigDatabase TableName ElementName Type Length
Credit Zip-Table ZipCD A/N 10
Payroll Address Zip-Code N 9
Payroll Zip-Codes Zip-9 N 9
and so on thru 72 detail lines...
And so on thru all the remaining Cross-Reference Names...
How do you count/rank the frequency of a field, then use that field as the control break for a header/detail report???
Thanks in advance!
I've created a database with one table (Master). The table was populated with data from five different Excel spreadsheets - each spreadsheet was a "dictionary" containing names and descriptive data on data elements found in an agency's particular database application. Essentially I'm trying to create a "master catalog" of data elements so that we can identify the data elements common to most/all of the application databases. The "Master" table contains the following columns:
Data Element Name - (i.e. SSN)
Database Name - (that the Element originated from)
Table Name - (that the element was originally a part of)
Element Length - (1, 5, etc)
Data Type - (alpha, A/N, etc.
Cross-Reference Name - (a common name that the field might also be known as - "Social Security Number" as opposed to "SSN", "soc_sec_nbr", etc.) This is the name we will use to identify commonality of this element among the various disparate databases).
My goal is to generate a report that breaks on Cross-Reference Name, sorted by frequency of the Cross-Reference Name (from most-frequently-found to least-frequently-found), then by Originating Database Name, then Original Table Name - something like this:
Cross-Reference Name: Social Security Number
Times Found in Master Database: 87
DatabaseName TableName ElementName Type Length
HR Table-1 SSN A/N 11
Payroll SSN-TBL SOC N 9
and so on thru 87 detail lines...
Cross-Reference Name: Zip Code
Times Found in Master Database: 72
OrigDatabase TableName ElementName Type Length
Credit Zip-Table ZipCD A/N 10
Payroll Address Zip-Code N 9
Payroll Zip-Codes Zip-9 N 9
and so on thru 72 detail lines...
And so on thru all the remaining Cross-Reference Names...
How do you count/rank the frequency of a field, then use that field as the control break for a header/detail report???
Thanks in advance!