I use access to build my SQL statements. However, I just ran into a situation were the statement runs fine in access but gives me an error in VB6. The error message paraphrased is 'Microsoft Jet Engine can't find the table'. The error number is 80040e37. I have tried solving this problem in different ways but nogo. The error always is triggered by whichever table is in the FROM statemtent. In the example below it was the SlillLevels table
How do I know the statement is good...
I build the SQL statement in the variable SQL and run it in vb6 I get the error. I then to a ?SQL in the immiediate window, I do a copy of the print. I go to ACCESS 2003 go to build query goto sql view do a paste change to database view and the statement executes fine.
Here is the statement as copied for the immediate window.
SELECT MEN.ExerciseKey, SEQ.OrgPracTitle, MEN.WhatVaries, SEP.Angle, SEP.ExerChildKey, SkillLevels.SkillLevel, PracticeType.PracticeType, SEP.NormalizedDifficulty, SEP.QODistance, SEP.OtoPocketDistance FROM SkillLevels INNER JOIN (PracticeType INNER JOIN (MemberSequences AS SEQ INNER JOIN (MemberExerciseNames AS MEN INNER JOIN SpecificExerciseParms AS SEP ON MEN.ExerciseKey = SEP.ExerciseKey) ON SEQ.BookKey = MEN.BookKey) ON PracticeType.PracticeTypeKey = MEN.PracticeTypeKey) ON SkillLevels.SkillSequence = MEN.SkillLevel WHERE ((TableSize = 1) AND (OBallLocKey = 'bB'));
How do I know the statement is good...
I build the SQL statement in the variable SQL and run it in vb6 I get the error. I then to a ?SQL in the immiediate window, I do a copy of the print. I go to ACCESS 2003 go to build query goto sql view do a paste change to database view and the statement executes fine.
Here is the statement as copied for the immediate window.
SELECT MEN.ExerciseKey, SEQ.OrgPracTitle, MEN.WhatVaries, SEP.Angle, SEP.ExerChildKey, SkillLevels.SkillLevel, PracticeType.PracticeType, SEP.NormalizedDifficulty, SEP.QODistance, SEP.OtoPocketDistance FROM SkillLevels INNER JOIN (PracticeType INNER JOIN (MemberSequences AS SEQ INNER JOIN (MemberExerciseNames AS MEN INNER JOIN SpecificExerciseParms AS SEP ON MEN.ExerciseKey = SEP.ExerciseKey) ON SEQ.BookKey = MEN.BookKey) ON PracticeType.PracticeTypeKey = MEN.PracticeTypeKey) ON SkillLevels.SkillSequence = MEN.SkillLevel WHERE ((TableSize = 1) AND (OBallLocKey = 'bB'));