I have made an application in Access 2000, and want to use DAO to add some records behind the scenes. I have done this many times before with no problem, using Access 97.
My code is as follows:
dim db as database
dim rs as recordset
set db=CurrentDB
set rs=db.openrecordset("Customers", dbopendynaset)
On the last line I get a type mismatch error. I made sure to include the reference to Microsoft DAO 3.6 in the Access database. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing. I appreciate it. Thanks.
My code is as follows:
dim db as database
dim rs as recordset
set db=CurrentDB
set rs=db.openrecordset("Customers", dbopendynaset)
On the last line I get a type mismatch error. I made sure to include the reference to Microsoft DAO 3.6 in the Access database. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing. I appreciate it. Thanks.