I've got a LAN with a proxy server, with a fixed IP address
on the Internet: 203.X.X.X.
Inside the LAN, I've got a Linux-Apache server. This server
has got an IP address inside the LAN:
Of course, you can access the web server from inside the
LAN, simply typing
Now, I want to access this web server from OUTSIDE the LAN.
My proxy server is MicroSoft Proxy Server, with IIS
(MicroSoft's 'Apache'). If I type from outside my LAN, I succeed in accessing proxy's web server, but not Linux-Apache server.
I am trying with (at Win NT on the proxy server):
route add mask 203.X.X.X metric 2
But I bump into 'Error 87'.
Any suggestion?
on the Internet: 203.X.X.X.
Inside the LAN, I've got a Linux-Apache server. This server
has got an IP address inside the LAN:
Of course, you can access the web server from inside the
LAN, simply typing
Now, I want to access this web server from OUTSIDE the LAN.
My proxy server is MicroSoft Proxy Server, with IIS
(MicroSoft's 'Apache'). If I type from outside my LAN, I succeed in accessing proxy's web server, but not Linux-Apache server.
I am trying with (at Win NT on the proxy server):
route add mask 203.X.X.X metric 2
But I bump into 'Error 87'.
Any suggestion?