I'm working on a form wich is linked to a database. In the form i have a combobox wich contends users. next to the combobox i have a butten where users can be ad. when i press the buttom I can ad a user.....(i can see the user in the table....) but in the combo box i don't see the user.......i think i have to put a query with something like update in it onto the table.....WHO CAN HELP ME???
I'm working on a form wich is linked to a database. In the form i have a combobox wich contends users. next to the combobox i have a butten where users can be ad. when i press the buttom I can ad a user.....(i can see the user in the table....) but in the combo box i don't see the user.......i think i have to put a query with something like update in it onto the table.....WHO CAN HELP ME???