There's a few options, depending on if you mean INTRAnet or INTERnet and how many users.
The easiest if you want your users to have INTERnet access is with a citrix server (
They just login remotely and directly use your database.
You can create DAP's (data access pages) for displaying and entering data. The users can sort the data like you would in a form or you could have them select a sort option which would bring up the appropriate web page. Oh yeah, remember DAP's are NOT created in Access. They are WEB pages so you would code in VBScript of JScript and forget about forms/subforms. Web pages use hyperlinks.
Now most people here and in IT departments will tell you to code in ASP. That's because they usually don't know DAP's.
If you're on the INTRAnet, you could just place your database on the server in a shared drive. Or you could split your database.
Maybe you could give more info on your capabilites and needs.
That sounds fairly straight forward! all i need it to do is not be editable but ppl veiwing the website having the ability to read the information and sort it by a couple of sections such as name and country
Since you don't need the web pages to be editable, you can create static web pages. For Access 2000, select any table or query (not form). Once highlighted, select File - Export. At the bottom of the Export window, change Save As type to HTML. Remember, the actually web page you created exists OUTSIDE access as a .htm file.
Right now, I don't have 2002, or 2003 near me to check the steps.
Or you could just directly create a DAP in the Pages object listing.
Then, of course, have your IT department implement it on the web. Have them read:
How to deploy data access pages over the Internet
When you create your DAP, you'll see at the bottom of the DAP that there are navigation buttons and other buttons, one sorts ascending the other descending. So the user just clicks in the textbox of the field he wants sorted, clicks one of the sort buttons and the records are sorted thusly.
By the way, you would give your web person the database and DAP. The DAP is BOUND to the data in your Access database.
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