I write mostly VBA. I use macros for some things.
I usually start a command button with the wizard on, by clicking the first item, Record navigation and Find Next. This adds error checking code as it create the VBA code. I then delete the two lines for Find and write whatever I want. So I'm left with
by default 2007 creates a macro and then when I click Event Procedure I have a blank screen
< I love mine
I usually start a command button with the wizard on, by clicking the first item, Record navigation and Find Next. This adds error checking code as it create the VBA code. I then delete the two lines for Find and write whatever I want. So I'm left with
Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command0_Click
Exit sub
msgbox Err.number
Resume Exit_Command0_Click
End Sub
by default 2007 creates a macro and then when I click Event Procedure I have a blank screen
Private Sub Command0_Click()
End Sub
< I love mine