hi,<br><br>i have name of a plugin.i need to serch the entire windows registry to check for the available plugins.if the plugin i passed is present then it should return a flag.can this be done using VB code.
I dont know how to do that.. but why would you need to search the registry... you should know where it is and use getsetting & savesetting, or the API (powerful)<br><br>hope tis helps.. and dont think im bitchin or anything<br>
yes you can do this in VB by registry manipulation functions. Use this function<br>GetSetting(appname, section, key[, default])<br><br>appname Required.<br>String expression containing the name of the application or project whose key setting is requested. <br>section Required. <br>String expression containing the name of the section where the key setting is found. <br>key Required. <br>String expression containing the name of the key setting to return. <br>default Optional.<br>Expression containing the value to return if no value is set in the key setting. If omitted, default is assumed to be a zero-length string ("". <br><br>
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