Technical User
Can we all get together and call toll free numbers what they are, toll free numbers? Is it just me or does anyone else correct people for saying “800 number”? 800 number is no longer a correct description, what with 877, 866 and all. Am I just being anal retentive phone guy? Telecom uber doofus?
And what’s up with WATS lines? This was just before my time. I had a secretary, oh, sorry Administrative Assistant, ask me if her WATS line was working? I barley know what that is, and as I read the definition it does not sound like a circuit that would allow your calls to go just anywhere, but to a specific area. ???
It really comes down to this. We all have a hard enough time dealing with end users, don't we? "Hello, my phones broke, I can't call anybody". "You called me didn't you"? "Uh, yeh, I guess I did. But my phone is broke"...
I try to explain to them how important it is to be precise. I don't expect them to read Newtons Telecom Dictionary but don't just throw out blanket statements like "nothing works" or "it's dead", try to be as accurate as possible.
And what’s up with WATS lines? This was just before my time. I had a secretary, oh, sorry Administrative Assistant, ask me if her WATS line was working? I barley know what that is, and as I read the definition it does not sound like a circuit that would allow your calls to go just anywhere, but to a specific area. ???
It really comes down to this. We all have a hard enough time dealing with end users, don't we? "Hello, my phones broke, I can't call anybody". "You called me didn't you"? "Uh, yeh, I guess I did. But my phone is broke"...
I try to explain to them how important it is to be precise. I don't expect them to read Newtons Telecom Dictionary but don't just throw out blanket statements like "nothing works" or "it's dead", try to be as accurate as possible.