Greetings, Everyone...
there's an application I'm developing and when I was stuck, you guys were very helpful in the earlier cases.
so, here I am again.
currently with that good old c0000005 exception error that has been our good friend for a long time.
I've read back and forth this forum and others what to do with it but no avail.
so, here's the thing.
there's a form with a grid in it.
it looks like this:
the grid is readonly from the user's side, but constantly updates from network side (it's a log reader)
the c0000005 error usually occurs at grid update, but quite randomly. sometimes it goes without it for a half day, sometimes it pops out its ugly head after half an hour.
I've been trying the following:
- patched the VFP version to the latest - it's Visual FoxPro 09.00.0000.7423
- got rid of the WITH/ENDWITH constructs
- turned SET RESOURCE OFF - it didn't solve the problem, but raised others, so I turned back on
- the tables shown in the grid have no memo fields. it consists fields from multiple relational tables, but no memo field
- the form runs in its own private data session with only opened the needed tables
- the error only appears in the compiled EXE, but never in the IDE
I have the vfp9Rerr.log, it shows multiple locations as the source of the error but they're always somewhere around the grid.
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 08:43:15. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.timer1.timer line 22 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 11:34:48. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.init line 65 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 13:05:20. Error log file: \\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {\\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\main.prg \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 23:51:37. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 00:38:44. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 02:29:42. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 13:50:19. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 13:52:46. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 17:57:36. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 10:56:14. Error log file: \\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - line 2 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {\\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\main.prg \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 12:02:21. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman_main.refreshyellow line 18 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from - watchman_main.timer1.timer line 43 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 13:57:56. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.timer1.timer line 22 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 14:47:31. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 15:33:55. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.12 09:51:22. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.12 11:51:03. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.12 15:39:24. Error log file: \\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {\\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\main.prg \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.13 16:18:50. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.15 07:32:01. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.16 12:40:34. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.18 11:58:55. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.19 14:13:58. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.init line 65 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.20 10:35:26. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 08:00:51. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.timer1.timer line 22 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 08:15:55. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman_main.refreshcyan line 18 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from - watchman_main.timer1.timer line 11 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 12:16:05. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.timer1.timer line 8 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 13:35:48. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.24 11:11:07. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.24 12:18:26. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.timer1.timer line 8 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Any ideas?
there's an application I'm developing and when I was stuck, you guys were very helpful in the earlier cases.
so, here I am again.
currently with that good old c0000005 exception error that has been our good friend for a long time.
I've read back and forth this forum and others what to do with it but no avail.
so, here's the thing.
there's a form with a grid in it.
it looks like this:

the grid is readonly from the user's side, but constantly updates from network side (it's a log reader)
the c0000005 error usually occurs at grid update, but quite randomly. sometimes it goes without it for a half day, sometimes it pops out its ugly head after half an hour.
I've been trying the following:
- patched the VFP version to the latest - it's Visual FoxPro 09.00.0000.7423
- got rid of the WITH/ENDWITH constructs
- turned SET RESOURCE OFF - it didn't solve the problem, but raised others, so I turned back on
- the tables shown in the grid have no memo fields. it consists fields from multiple relational tables, but no memo field
- the form runs in its own private data session with only opened the needed tables
- the error only appears in the compiled EXE, but never in the IDE
I have the vfp9Rerr.log, it shows multiple locations as the source of the error but they're always somewhere around the grid.
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 08:43:15. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.timer1.timer line 22 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 11:34:48. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.init line 65 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 13:05:20. Error log file: \\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {\\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\main.prg \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.09 23:51:37. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 00:38:44. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 02:29:42. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 13:50:19. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 13:52:46. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.10 17:57:36. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 10:56:14. Error log file: \\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - line 2 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {\\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\main.prg \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 12:02:21. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman_main.refreshyellow line 18 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from - watchman_main.timer1.timer line 43 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 13:57:56. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.timer1.timer line 22 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 14:47:31. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.11 15:33:55. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.12 09:51:22. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.12 11:51:03. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.12 15:39:24. Error log file: \\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {\\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {\\Auth4\auth4f\Naplo\main.prg \\auth4\auth4f\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.13 16:18:50. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.15 07:32:01. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.16 12:40:34. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.18 11:58:55. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.19 14:13:58. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.init line 65 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - line 2 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - geplist.keypress line 19 {n:\naplo\geplist.sct n:\naplo\geplist.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.20 10:35:26. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 08:00:51. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.timer1.timer line 22 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 08:15:55. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman_main.refreshcyan line 18 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from - watchman_main.timer1.timer line 11 {n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct n:\naplo\watchman_main.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 12:16:05. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.timer1.timer line 8 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.21 13:35:48. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.24 11:11:07. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.grid1.afterrowcolchange line 3 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - watchman.grid1.mousemove line 7 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Fatal error: Exception code=C0000005 @ 2020.11.24 12:18:26. Error log file: N:\Naplo\VFP9Rerr.log
Called from - watchman.timer1.timer line 8 {n:\naplo\watchman.sct n:\naplo\watchman.sct}
Called from - main line 5 {N:\Naplo\main.prg n:\naplo\proj1.exe}
Any ideas?