Technical User
- Feb 7, 2003
- 28
Dear all,
I want to create dynamically multidimensional vector. Its dimension depends upon user input. According to user input i created a string which contains the name (e.g. table[2][3][4])
dynamically. Now i want to use this string to access vector variables. But i can not successful, please guide me, i will be thankful to you.
Here is my code.
*****creating matrix of test_var.size() size*******
typedef vector< vector < unsigned int > > contingency_table;
contingency_table table(test_var.size());
for (unsigned int i=0; i < test_var.size(); i++)
vector <unsigned int> dim;
table= dim ;
********* to access variables ************
static string str= "table";
for ( int j=0; j < 3; j++)
for (int k=0; k< test_var.size(); k++)
stringstream table_index;
table_index << "[" << k << "]";
str = str + table_index.str();
cout<<"\n string name is " << str;
So, "str" contains the exact vector name along with index (table[2][3][4]).
Now i want to use it to insert and to retrieve value of vector table.
Thanks in advance
Dear all,
I want to create dynamically multidimensional vector. Its dimension depends upon user input. According to user input i created a string which contains the name (e.g. table[2][3][4])
dynamically. Now i want to use this string to access vector variables. But i can not successful, please guide me, i will be thankful to you.
Here is my code.
*****creating matrix of test_var.size() size*******
typedef vector< vector < unsigned int > > contingency_table;
contingency_table table(test_var.size());
for (unsigned int i=0; i < test_var.size(); i++)
vector <unsigned int> dim;
table= dim ;
********* to access variables ************
static string str= "table";
for ( int j=0; j < 3; j++)
for (int k=0; k< test_var.size(); k++)
table_index << "[" << k << "]";
str = str + table_index.str();
cout<<"\n string name is " << str;
So, "str" contains the exact vector name along with index (table[2][3][4]).
Now i want to use it to insert and to retrieve value of vector table.
Thanks in advance