Hello all,
I would like to install and configure the following for testing.
1 AAM server as both the application and storage server, get it fully working with my already installed CM 6.3
Then convert the 1 AAM server to a MSS (Storage Server) and then add one MAS (application server)
I have the following equipment
1 esxi with CM 6.3 Duplication (2 Duplicated servers for testing failover)
1 avaya gateway with 1 CO trunk
1 weblm server (No licenses however just for testing)
I can make and receive calls using this system, however I would like to add messaging ability for testing / learning. Is this possible to add an AAM or MAS/MSS without licensing for a trial period or do I need licensing to even get it working to test in a lab. If at the least I would like to configure the one AAM sever as both storage/application.
Does anyone have any good documents or suggestions as the only document I can find that explains all of the steps as far as configuring the CM side and the Messaging side is but I am not sure it is correct for what I am doing or not. I am still in the early stages of research for this lab project so any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I would like to install and configure the following for testing.
1 AAM server as both the application and storage server, get it fully working with my already installed CM 6.3
Then convert the 1 AAM server to a MSS (Storage Server) and then add one MAS (application server)
I have the following equipment
1 esxi with CM 6.3 Duplication (2 Duplicated servers for testing failover)
1 avaya gateway with 1 CO trunk
1 weblm server (No licenses however just for testing)
I can make and receive calls using this system, however I would like to add messaging ability for testing / learning. Is this possible to add an AAM or MAS/MSS without licensing for a trial period or do I need licensing to even get it working to test in a lab. If at the least I would like to configure the one AAM sever as both storage/application.
Does anyone have any good documents or suggestions as the only document I can find that explains all of the steps as far as configuring the CM side and the Messaging side is but I am not sure it is correct for what I am doing or not. I am still in the early stages of research for this lab project so any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.