[MainForm] not bound to any record source.
[ComboBox] on [Main Form] record source is [IDNo Table].
[MainQuery] field [ID No.] references [ComboBox].
[TextBox1] on [MainForm] record source is [DateTable].
[TextBox2] on [MainForm] record source is [DateTable].
[MainQuery] field [Date]= Between [TextBox1] And [TextBox2].
[SubForm] record source is [MainQuery].
[GetData] command button refreshes [SubForm].
What I am trying to do is open [MainForm], have the user select an ID No. from [ComboBox], select a start date from [TextBox1] and an end date from [TextBox2]. Then click [GetData] and have the requested data appear in [SubForm].
I have it working except, when I open [MainForm] I immediately get prompted for [ID No]. Why can't [MainForm] just open without the prompt?
[ComboBox] on [Main Form] record source is [IDNo Table].
[MainQuery] field [ID No.] references [ComboBox].
[TextBox1] on [MainForm] record source is [DateTable].
[TextBox2] on [MainForm] record source is [DateTable].
[MainQuery] field [Date]= Between [TextBox1] And [TextBox2].
[SubForm] record source is [MainQuery].
[GetData] command button refreshes [SubForm].
What I am trying to do is open [MainForm], have the user select an ID No. from [ComboBox], select a start date from [TextBox1] and an end date from [TextBox2]. Then click [GetData] and have the requested data appear in [SubForm].
I have it working except, when I open [MainForm] I immediately get prompted for [ID No]. Why can't [MainForm] just open without the prompt?