If AA menu prompt is set to "Y" then the voice mail will play the default menu prompt. If set to "N" you are then given the opportunity to record a customized menu prompt.
Usualy you record a blank recording there if not the canned greeting will play. Also it is set up to record the main greeting under the customized with the gretings for morning saying good morning then the after noon goodafternoon and the evening saying good evening with the customized followed with the company greeting but we all do not use it that way we just record the main under 1 greeting and the closed under another.
I know it all sound rather complicated, but effectivly, the menu prompt is like the irritating canned menu that plays on cell phone voice mail- "If you know the extension of the person you are calling, you may dial it at any time, or press # for the company directory...".
It doesn't sound very professional when your main greeting is followed by that in a different voice, so most of us disable it.
Sorry Fireeater (FACT) The AA Menu Promt Plays Before Any Greeting
Not After A Greeing like 1,2,3,4
It also plays before the CCR Tree Menu If there is no CG recorded.
It does not get by passed
AA Menu: Please listen to the following for some options have changed.
Any greeting recorded is played before the aa menu prompt unless you have a ccr tree enabled. Then the path 0 greeting is played after morn afternoon evening or non business(FACT)!
I'm opening myself to attack here, but in my experience, if you leave aa menu prompt= Y, then it will always play, regardless if you're using a ccr, or not.
Greetings are always play first when selected in Table.
Menu Prompt plays always after the greeting......unless CCR Tree is enabled then CCR will override the Menu Prompt.
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