I use the following to build a history of reviews on each account, but now would like to make one master RevNotes (memo type) and append each review records RevNotes which already have the date and username built in. This way when you view the mastRevNotes you will see for one record with all the notes over time in one field.
The table for the New MastRevNotes is tblBranch and the key is AccountID
INSERT INTO tblReview ( AccountID, SalesID, RevDate, RevTime, RevNotes )
SELECT Forms!frmReview!txtAccountID, Forms!frmReview!txtSalesID, Forms!frmReview!txtRevDate, Forms!frmReview!txtTime,Forms!frmReview!txtRevNotes;
Thanks for the lesson
Dave To learn fron those who have mastered the art..... Saves many headaches!
I use the following to build a history of reviews on each account, but now would like to make one master RevNotes (memo type) and append each review records RevNotes which already have the date and username built in. This way when you view the mastRevNotes you will see for one record with all the notes over time in one field.
The table for the New MastRevNotes is tblBranch and the key is AccountID
INSERT INTO tblReview ( AccountID, SalesID, RevDate, RevTime, RevNotes )
SELECT Forms!frmReview!txtAccountID, Forms!frmReview!txtSalesID, Forms!frmReview!txtRevDate, Forms!frmReview!txtTime,Forms!frmReview!txtRevNotes;
Thanks for the lesson
Dave To learn fron those who have mastered the art..... Saves many headaches!