Here is a challenge to all you MVPs. I have a replicated database. The master resides on the server, and the users all have a FE and a replicated BE on their local computers. From the front end I have wrote this this code to synchronize the users local replica.
The code worked great until we switched the office over to A2007.
Now when I run it I get the following error at the line:
dbReplica.Synchronize synchPath, dbRepImpExpChanges
Public Sub startSynchReplica()
On Error GoTo errLbl:
Dim strBackend As String
Dim dbReplica As dao.Database
Dim app As Access.Application
Dim synchPath As String
Dim rtn As Long
synchPath = "\\\home\theMaster.mdb"
strBackend = CurrentDb.TableDefs("Tasks").Connect
strBackend = Mid(strBackend, 11)
Do Until FileExists(synchPath)
rtn = MsgBox("Can not find Master Daster Base. Please select OK to search or CANCEL to cancel synch.", vbOKCancel, "Search for Master")
If rtn = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
synchPath = fGetFileName
Set dbReplica = OpenDatabase(strBackend)
'MsgBox strBackend
dbReplica.Synchronize synchPath, dbRepImpExpChanges
MsgBox "Synchronization Complete" & vbCrLf & "If no conflicts pop up simply open the Replica and then close it.", vbInformation, "Synch Complete"
Set dbReplica = Nothing
Set app = getNewDB(strBackend)
Exit Sub
Call errHandler(Err.Number, Err.Description, "Error in startSynchReplica")
End Sub
The code worked great until we switched the office over to A2007.
Now when I run it I get the following error at the line:
dbReplica.Synchronize synchPath, dbRepImpExpChanges
Operation is not supported for this type of object. (Error 3251)
helpfile said:You were attempting to execute a method or assign a value to a property that is usually valid for the object, but is not supported in this specific instance. For example, the Edit method is generally valid for Recordset objects, but not for a snapshot-type Recordset. This error could also occur in cases where the operation is not permitted due to the type or status of the object — as when trying to use the MovePrevious method on a forward–only–type Recordset. Some operations are also not supported, depending on if you are accessing a Microsoft Access database engine or an ODBC data source
[/quote helpfile]
1. I have ensured both the FE and BE are in trusted locations
2. I have converted it to 2007 format and 2003 format but no luck
3. I can still manually synch from the Back End.
4. All references are present
The weird part it still works for some users. I have to think that it is some kind of setting on either the FE or BE. By the error message I am guessing that it no longers recognizes the BE as being a replica and thus the "this type of object" error.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I think the important clue is that it still runs for some users on Access 2007.