I am updating a paper that I originally presented to SHARE (IBM user group) last
This paper presents my *personal* opinion and analysis of ISO 2002 COBOL
features and what will (might be) viewed as
"Good, Bad, and Ugly"
for those working with COBOL in an IBM mainframe (mostly z/OS) environment.
the latest (long) *DRAFT* of the document can be viewed in HTML format at:
I am definitely STILL working on adding additional items (the "New Ways of doing
Old tasks" section is still "blank" and I am about to start filling it in.
I would be more than happy to get suggestions (especially from those CURRENTLY
working with COBOL in a z/OS environment) on things to add, clarify, or
whatever. I would also be interested in those from other environments who might
have suggestions of "particular goodies" that they want (or have) from the '02
You can post here - or email off-list with comments and/or suggestions.
Bill Klein
wmklein <at> ix.netcom.com
Bill Klein
This paper presents my *personal* opinion and analysis of ISO 2002 COBOL
features and what will (might be) viewed as
"Good, Bad, and Ugly"
for those working with COBOL in an IBM mainframe (mostly z/OS) environment.
the latest (long) *DRAFT* of the document can be viewed in HTML format at:
I am definitely STILL working on adding additional items (the "New Ways of doing
Old tasks" section is still "blank" and I am about to start filling it in.
I would be more than happy to get suggestions (especially from those CURRENTLY
working with COBOL in a z/OS environment) on things to add, clarify, or
whatever. I would also be interested in those from other environments who might
have suggestions of "particular goodies" that they want (or have) from the '02
You can post here - or email off-list with comments and/or suggestions.
Bill Klein
wmklein <at> ix.netcom.com
Bill Klein