I’m going to Serialize a class with CString and int-members to a file and then transfer it over the network. One of the members is a password-like one and I would like it to be encrypted before the serialization.
the easyest way is XOR encription, but it is not the best.
For each sumbol you apply a XOR per bit
for example you have password key qwerty. And you have string, "hello my baby, I want to see you"
you encript like this:
hello my baby, I want to see you
like this:
str[0] ^= q;
str[1] ^= w;
str[3] ^= e;
and you obtain some encripted string:
after you send the string you can uncrypt it by aplaying XOR again:
^= qwertyqwertyqwertyqwertyqwertyqw|erty
The operation will be the same:
obtained_str[0] ^= q;
obtained_str[1] ^= w;
obtained_str[3] ^= e;
and you will obtain the originally created string:
hello my baby, I want to see you
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